As I continue to work on some of my longer posts, I've decided to do a series of mini posts about some of my more local hikes, sunrises, days out shooting etc. My first one was all about a hike I did to Lake Dorothy in the Indian Peaks Wilderness just outside of Boulder, CO. This one is also from Boulder but under slightly different conditions.
For the past couple of months I've been testing out using panoramas more and playing around with stitching together multiple shots. In early January it decided to get really cold and then snow, as it is wont to do here in Colorado. I decided that I just don't quite have enough shots of the flatirons (a fairly iconic geologic feature that Boulder is famous for) so why not wake up for sunrise and see if I can get something new. Along with being beautiful, the mountains that flank Boulder also provide a perfect setting for testing out panoramas. So wake up for sunrise I did, and after I bundled up and headed out the door I looked at the thermometer in the car and realized it was a brisk negative 8 degrees F. I came pretty close to calling it right then but seeing as how I am a glutton for punishment I forged ahead to my favorite viewpoint of the Boulder front range mountains. So, what follows are a series of panoramas from that frigid morning. Let me know in the comments below what you all think. Should I keep on working on these panos?

Green Mountain and the Flatirons during the blue hour

The whole front range: Bear Peak (Left), Green Mountain (Middle), Flatirons (right)

Bear Peak

Green Mountain and the Flatirons

Bear Peak

Green Mountain and the Flatirons
There you go, the results from a frigid morning in early January. Let me know what you think and if you like what you see, please subscribe below and I'll send out an update when my next posts are available.
Until the next time,
If you are interested in purchasing any of these as prints, please feel free to contact me and we can work something out.